A Summer Term of Fun
26th July 2019
What a fantastic summer of events we've had - out traditional Midsummer Festival, Summer Fair and both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two Sports Days. We were blessed with glorious weather on all the important days.
Huge thanks go to every person involved in organising and running these amazing events. To our fantastic Parents' Association members for giving up many an evening planning for these and manning the Festival and Fair, baking cakes, making drinks, decorating, setting up and taking down, sourcing raffle prizes, flower arranging and much more. Thanks to our amazing Sports Leaders from Year 5 who ran each station at the KS1 Sports Day with enthusiasm and professionalism, organising and supporting the younger children taking part. Thanks also to every member of Year 6 and every member of staff who gave up their own free time on the evening of the Summer Fair to run stalls.