Atomic Tom Returns
21st July 2017
Year 4 had a fantastic day on Thursday with Atomic Tom and Cosmic Chris' science roadshow.
The children learnt how everything around us is made of atoms. Out on the field, they practised behaving like atoms, rushing close together when they were acting the part of a solid, spreading out more and more as liquid and then gas.
The static electricity experiments were literally hair raising, first with lots of rubbing of balloons and sticking them to hands and the wall and later with the Vandergraph Generator causing lots of hilarity. With fingers touching it was possible to shock more than one child at a time (gently of course)!
Slime making was lots of fun with the children making a mixture of watered down PVA glue, a splash of paint and a dash of disodium tetraborate. Hopefully they are having lots of fun with the pots of sticky stuff they took home!
It was great, great fun, highly educational, entertaining and interactive. I’m sure the children will remember what they learnt during the day for a very long time, particularly about how electricity moves after seeing it – and feeling it – so clearly.