Read Write Inc workshops
7th Feb 2014
Class teachers have been running several workshops for the parents and carers of children in Y1 and Y2 to find out more about the phonics programme their children are using and how best they can support them at home.
Read Write Inc is great fun and fully interactive. The children really look forward to their sessions each day and are highly motivated to learn. The programme was only adopted throughout the Key Stage in September but the progress individual children are making is remarkable. There's lots you can do to help at home, having fun with your child as you go so if you want to know what 'Fred Talk' is but you've missed the workshops, please speak to your child's teacher. We'll be putting ideas and activities on this site in the weeks ahead and you can read more about the programme in general by checking out Phonics in Key Stage 1 under the Year Groups banner at the top of this site.