Partnerships with Parents
Keeping in Touch
During the year parents are invited into school to see the work the children have done and to discuss their progress with the Class teachers. Parent evenings are held each term where parents can make an appointment to discuss their child's progress. Teachers are also pleased to see parents throughout the term where the need arises. We also organise occasional meetings for parents in the evenings, sometimes with outside speakers, to consider aspects of the curriculum or arrangements for assessment.
In order to be able to give parents detailed information about their child's progress and to try to make sure that the needs of each child are being met, we keep a number of individual records. Subject to certain conditions, parents are welcome to see these, and are asked to contact the Headteacher for more information.
Most records are written and kept by the Class teachers, but information given by parents on the admission form and details of the child's attendance record are held on computer. This information is only used for educational purposes. It is confidential and access to it is protected within the computer system. Details are sent home annually for checking, but please let us know promptly of any changes so that we keep only relevant and up-to-date information. This is especially important for details of how to contact you or someone who can act for you in an emergency or if your child is hurt or taken ill at school.
Regular contact between home and school is very important for the success of a child's education and we are always ready to give time to parents to discuss with them a child's progress or difficulties of any sort, not only during the meetings arranged during the year for all parents. If you do need to see your child's teacher or the Headteacher, please be kind enough to make an appointment, to be sure that the member of staff will be available and can give you their full attention. The school office by the main entrance is always ready to help with more general enquiries.
Letters about the work the children will do during the term, school events, sports fixtures, planned educational visits, fund-raising activities and children's achievements are sent home frequently. We also have a weekly newsletter which goes home each Friday. The youngest child at the school from each family is responsible for taking this home, except where they concern only children in a particular year group. Newsletter may also be sent via email if you would prefer. A copy is also included in the school’s website
There are also notice-boards in school near the entrance to the old building and by the door from the little playground where lists of sports practices, teams, and information about events in the area can be found.
As required by legislation, certain documents giving further information are available for consultation at the school. These include the LEA's statement of curriculum policy, the agreed syllabus for Religious Education, the orders for each subject of the National Curriculum, statutory instruments, administrative memoranda and circulars sent to schools by the Department for Education, schemes of work used in the school, school policies and reports of any inspection of the school carried out by the Office for Standards in Education.
Reading is a vitally important skill that children will need to use not only to enjoy reading as a pastime but also to access all other areas of the curriculum. We therefore expect every child from reception to Y6 to set aside some time to read at home. With the younger children this will be practising reading skills with an adult. With older children this will be time spent reading independently developing concentration etc. Children may choose to read either fiction or non-fiction texts. The school has an excellent library and children are encouraged to choose the books that they enjoy.
Whilst reading is the main priority for home work children may be asked to undertake other little tasks at home. This may involve researching topics or practicing number or language skills that they are covering at school. By the time the children are in years 5 and 6 the children will be expected to do some tasks on a regular basis.
Although there is some debate as to the real value of homework in primary schools the government recommend that children in years 1 and 2 should be spending approximately 1 hour per week on these activities by years 3 or 4 this should be 1.5 hours per week and by Year 6 this should be approximately 30 minutes per day. This still allows time for the children to undertake all the other activities after school such as swimming, dance etc. as well as allowing time for play and spending that quality time with you!
Parents' Association
All parents are members of the Parents' Association. A committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting in the Autumn term and meets about once a month in term time. Details of the AGM and the committee are circulated to parents. The secretary publicises the Association's activities through letters sent home and on notice boards around the school.
The Association is a source of great support to the school, organising entertainment for the children and social events, as well as raising substantial funds each year. New faces on the committee, new ideas and people happy to help with specific activities are always welcome.