We're officially 'good'...
29th Feb 2016
...but then we already knew that!
Following the inspection on 9th February, we have now received our report from Ofsted which begins by saying: "This school continues to be good." It goes on to explain why and we were really pleased that in a short space of time, the Inspector seems to have gotten to the heart of our school and recognised some of the things which make it such a special learning and working environment. Here are some of his quotes:
“Leaders have continued to develop a friendly, inclusive and safe school.”
“The expectations of staff throughout the school contributed to the calm, caring atmosphere and positive learning behaviours observed.”
“Leaders and Governors know the school well and have a good understanding of pupils’ achievements.”
"The dialogue observed between teachers and pupils was stimulating and motivating…”
“Teaching, assessment and learning are good.”
The inspector was pleased with progress made on the recommendations of the last report, highlighting the revisions to the computing curriculum, improved ICT and its use across the curriculum and investment into coding. We have also risen to the challenge of improving our children's knowledge and understanding of cultural diversity in Britain in a variety of ways.
A big thank you to all parents who either filled in a Parent View questionnaire or spoke directly to the Inspector, and also to the children who met with him. He comments:
"Parents who met with me during the inspection were all positive about the academy and its staff. They said that the children were safe and enjoyed coming to school. They also said that teaching was good, that staff were very accommodating and that overall communication was good."
"Pupils confidently shared with me how staff teach them to stay safe in the outside world and online."
"Pupils... were keen to tell me about their school and explained how the merit system encourages them to do their best and behave well."
A copy of the full report will be sent to parents/carers tomorrow, but in the meantime you can download it here: