Skip-Hop Skipping
6th Feb 2016
On Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th February Lee from Skip-Hop was in school skipping with every class. Each class had a 40 minute session. During the session each child was taught basic skipping skills, speed skills, double-dutch, long rope and partner skipping.
The second day culminated in a demonstration of newly found skipping skills performed by chosen children from each session. The children said they enjoyed the activity and were delighted to demonstrate their skills in the special assembly.
Skipping is a fun physical activity. It can challenge the most able children, yet is simple enough for everyone to achieve. It is inexpensive and is extremely flexible – children of all abilities can skip on their own, with a partner or as a group.
The Skip-Hop sessions were definitely a great way to engage the children and encourage them to be more active, boosting fitness levels and promoting a healthier lifestyle.
Since Thursday the playground has come alive with ropes and the children are enjoying either skipping alone or with friends.