Midsummer Festival Fun
4th July 2014
What a fabulous Midsummer Festival we had today - so many bright smiles and bright clothes!
The children danced their hearts out, all to the theme of the weather. We love our British weather but thankfully, after rain caused the postponement of the festival last week, the worse it did this time around was cause the Year 1 children to keep their umbrellas closed whilst dancing to 'Singing in the Rain' (the wind was quite high and we didn't want anyone being blown away!)
We were so pleased to see such large numbers of family members able to attend the afternoon. For many I suspect the highlight (after watching their own children perform) may well have been the extremely enthusiastic shimmying from a group of the Year 6 boys. It was truly a sight to behold and wonderful to see them so engaged and clearly enjoying themselves. Their enthusiasm was infectious.
If you were not able to come along, please take a look through the photo gallery below to give you a taste of the afternoon. Sadly we don't have a video of the shimmying!