Late/Absence Procedures
Absence due to illness or medical treatment
If your child is unexpectedly away from school due to illness, please phone or send a message before 9.30am. There is normally someone at school from 8am to take a phone message and it is school policy to contact those parents we have not heard from. When your child returns to school, please send a written note explaining the reasons for absence. The class teacher should be informed beforehand, in writing, of absence for hospital, dental or similar appointments.
Children who have had sickness and/or diarrhoea should be kept at home for at least 48 hours after the last bout of sickness.
Late Arrival
If a child arrives late for school (after 8.55am) they need to report to the office. We are required to keep a record of all late arrivals and to report persistent absence or lateness to Education Welfare/Northamptonshire County Council. If you know your child is going to be late because of a medical appointment, please inform the class teacher in writing prior to the day of the appointment so that they can fill in the correct part of the register. This saves our office staff from having to contact you unnecessarily to check on the welfare of your child.
Holidays and other absences in term time
We would like to remind parents that they are legally obliged to ensure their child attends school for the full 190 days (term time). Should you wish to request that your child be absent from school for another reason other than medical, please fill out a Leave of Absence Request (page 6 of the MAT Attendance Policy). Due to a change in legislation in July 2013 all absences during term time will automatically be recorded as unauthorised and parents should be aware that removing their child from school for holidays, could result in them receiving a fixed penalty fine from The Local Education Authority. You are therefore advised to read the following letters from the Local Authority and the MAT Attendance Policy (on the Policies page of the School Office tab) before making your request, as the Headteacher's decision is final. Thank you.