School receives silver science award
16th May 2014
We’re proud to announce that our school has been awarded the Silver Primary Science Quality Mark. This is an award scheme to enable primary schools across the UK to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their science provision.
For our submission we had to show what we had been doing in science over the last two years. We provided samples of pupil's work and teacher's planning and some of our children were interviewed by a teacher from another school. Our teachers have been working in collaboration with those from other schools in the Chenderit cluster, sharing ideas and good practice in order to improve the profile of science across all our schools. They have had a number of training sessions looking at how to plan effective science projects and the school have brought new science equipment such as binoculars, ammeters, bug hotels, etc. Additionally, some of the children have been taking part in the “Mad Science” after school club and projects such as the RSPB School Birdwatch, whilst some year groups have made visits to the Think Tank science museum and Wildlife parks, etc.

Here are some quotes from our children’s reports to the PSQM visitor:
“I enjoy science because we don’t just write stuff down we do a lot of experiments.”

“My science lessons are the best lessons as we always do fun experiments.”
“I really enjoy doing science in this school because we are not just having fun we are also learning lots of new things.”
Most of all, we have had lots of fun whilst discovering more about science.