Zumba Kids
13th march 2014
I'm not sure who was having the most fun at the recent Zumba taster sessions - the staff or the children! Sadly there are no photos of the staff members as they all ran and hid when the camera came out but the children we're so busy concentrating on mastering their dance steps and playing games that they didn't even notice me there.
The two sessions (one for each keystage) were run by Debbie Young, a qualified and licensed fitness instructor who describes Zumba Kids as, "A really fun way to exercise, with exciting music from countries around the world."
Debbie plans to run an after school Zumba Club for any interested children to help improve fitness levels, self-esteem, social skills and confidence. Please speak to the school office if you want to know more about the after school club or call Debbie on 07796427703 for further details.