PRIME7 Multi Academy Trust
Prime7 was formed in 2013 and joined together Middleton Cheney Primary Academy, King’s Sutton Primary Academy and Chipping Warden Primary Academy. The aim of the Trust has always been to work collaboratively across all three schools. Prime7 Trust underwent a complete change of leadership across all three schools and at Chief Executive and Chief Finance Officer level. We also have three new, excellent Chairs of Governors that support our schools with their expertise and leadership of our Local Governing Boards. These changes have brought with them new energy and vigour to drive the school improvement needed to ensure that our schools offer the very best education for all of our pupils. We also want to ensure that our staff enjoy working across the Trust and feel valued as part of a collaborative team.
At Prime7, we aim to provide the best opportunities for all pupils to develop strategies to face life’s challenges. We want them to show courage and take risks in their learning whilst enjoying an enriched school experience. Community is important to us and each school is valued for its own individuality but it also plays an important part of the Trust as a whole. Across our schools we foster an environment where respect in earned and given in equal amounts. Our school communities promote kindness, friendship and trust so that our pupils will grow up to be young citizens that are able to show empathy towards others and become role models that are an inspiration to others.
We have seven core values at Prime7, drawn together from each of our schools to define who we are as a collective. These values underpin a shared vision for all of our children, families and staff across our Trust community. They are:
- Ambition
- Enjoyment
- Resilience
- Respect
- Inspire
- Community
- Trust
Prime7 has high expectations for all and an ambition for continuous improvement. Our values will help us create schools that foster creativity and curiosity so that pupils thrive on enrichment and thoroughly enjoy their school experience.
PRIME7 MAT Registered in England No. 8567252
Registered office: PRIME7 Multi Academy Trust. Middleton Cheney Primary Academy, Main Road, Middleton Cheney, Banbury, Oxon. OX17 2PD
Tel: 01295 710218