Sports days
3rd July 2014
Every year we hold two sports days - one for Key Stage 1 and one for Key Stage 2 and every child takes part. The weather has been very kind to us this week, shining brightly on both days and and allowing us to have two outstanding days. We are so very proud of the children who have run, jumped and thrown to their very best, trying hard, supporting one another and cheering others whether they were in the same team or not. Sports days are a time to celebrate those who excel in sports, but also those who excel in areas such as perseverence or encouraging others.
Key Stage 1 Sportsday gallery
It was wonderful to see such a large number of family members able to come along on each day, many of whom stayed to share a picnic on the field with the children afterwards. I hope you are able to come back tomorrow for the previously postponed Midsummer Festival and that the children are not too exhausted to show you their fantastic dancing!
Key Stage 2 Sportsday gallery
The results for the KS2 sports day were the closest we have ever had, points as follows:
1 Red 889
2 Blue 883
3 Black 866
4 Green 854
5 Yellow 839
Nice to see Mr Hartwell exercising fairness in sport too...!