
It is our ambition that every child leaves MCPA with the skills they need to make full use of the technology around them whilst still remaining safe and aware of the risks when doing so.
There are seven stands to the current computing curriculum: programming, multimedia and word processing, digital media, communication and collaboration, data, online safety, and lastly, networks and online technologies.
As well as being taught as a discrete skill, computing is also used to support the children’s learning across the curriculum using a variety of software and hardware. The school has a dedicated computing suite with fifteen computers and an interactive whiteboard. This is timetabled and each class from year 1 onwards has at least one session a week. Each classroom also has at least one PC and an interactive whiteboard to allow pupils to practise skills or to support their learning on a daily basis. We also have a number of iPads which are often used to support children's learning in other areas of the curriculum.
All devices in the school have access to the internet. This content is filtered for the children's safety and is always with adult supervision.
We hold regular Online Safety events for both the children and parents and have an Acceptable Use Policy which is available from the school office and online. There is also an digital safety page on this website which we urge all parents to read and consider.