Educational Trips & Classroom Activities
26th July 2019
What a busy term it has been for Educational Trips/Classroom Activities. Our Reception classes had great fun at Greatworth Farm Education Centre, this was their third and final visit. Over these visits the children have been able to see the changes to the land, it's works and the animals in the difference seasons.

Our Year 3 had a great time exploring all things science at The Thinktank, Birmingham and our Year 6 spent a morning at the Oxford Museums.
Year 2 Spent the day at Brandon Marsh Nature Reserve near Coventry for a fun filled day of activities based on their science learning. They enjoyed pond dipping' mini-beast hunting, bird watching and hedgehog house building. Some of the children spotted the wonderful wildlife including crested newts, toads, swans, a heron, cormorants, a kingfisher and a dragonfly.