We did it! Gold Sports Mark
22nd Sept 2017
The School Games Mark is now in its 7th year and continues to reward schools and other educational establishments for their commitment to and development of competition, school sport, physical education and physical activity. Schools need to reflect a broad and balanced offer that actively encourages those young people that aren’t currently engaged or who are engaged less often.
We had to work very hard to gain the Gold Award and are very proud of our achievement. Huge thanks go to our PE Co-ordinators – Miss Hammond and Mrs Hornby, and of course to all the children who have taken part in additional sports and sporting competitions – many for the first time.
School Games Mark Criteria
In order to achieve the prestigious Gold Award, we needed to meet strenuous criteria. The list is exhausting but it included:
Increasing Engagement in School Games
- Tracking young people’s participation in the School Games.
- Having opportunities that attract less active children to participate in physical activity.
- Having ‘personal challenge’ as a key component of our School Games provision.
- Providing all KS2 students with two hours of timetabled Physical Education per week within the curriculum as well as additional physical activity provision.
- Engaging at least 50% of KS2 pupils in extra-curricular sporting and physical activity every week.
- Over the course of the academic year, including at least 15% of children identified at the beginning of the year as least active, in additional sport and physical activity.
Developing Competitive Opportunities
- Holding a School Games Day that is a culmination of a year-round competition programme.
- Providing opportunities for all young people with SEND to take part in competitions and festivals.
- Ensuring equal opportunities for both boys and girls to take part in the appropriate level of competition, meeting specific criteria for the number of opportunities at personal challenge, intra-school competition and inter-school competition levels.
- Providing every KS2 child with the opportunity to learn to lead through curriculum PE as part of the lesson structure.
- Engaging a representative group of students in leading, managing and officiating in School Games activity (15%).
- Utilising sports coaches, volunteers or other providers to support school sport and physical activity delivery and having active links with at least five local community and pathways sport/physical activity and leisure providers.
- Training and engaging wider school staff in the delivery of school sport and physical activity.