Final Farm Trip
21st July 2017
This week saw the final visit for the Reception classes to Greatworth Farm Education Centre. The children got up close and personal with many of the pieces of farm equipment. They climbed up into one of the tractors, looked into the heart of a drilling machine and sat on the quad bike which sprays the pathways and the little truck which carries the food to the sheep in the fields.

The investigate the huge piles of Rape seed which are being harvested into one of the barns and walked through fields of yellow flowers which we thought were Rape but were actually mustard. The children looked for signs of life in the field and found hundreds of little black caterpillars, ladybirds and other bugs. They also investigated the seed pods here and in another field, seeing who could collect the most from one pod.
Down in the vegetable garden we saw a myriad of plants growing in a small space. Amongst them were carrots, spring onions, red and orange beetroot, strawberries, courgettes, cucumbers, parsnips and so much more. Each of the children picked some lettuce leaves and later used them, along with other items harvested from the garden to make very colourful salad boxes to take home. Hopefully seeing how beautiful they looked whilst they were growing will encourage the children to try a food they may not have had before.