Special Educational Needs and Disability

At Middleton Cheney Primary Academy, our intention is that every child, regardless of need, become confident in their own abilities and reach their fullest potential in all areas of life and development. Our ethos is one of collaboration and inclusion between senior management, teachers, support staff, parents, external agencies and, most importantly, the child.
To support pupils with special educational needs and /or disabilities to achieve that potential we:
- Effectively identify and assess the needs of all children
- Set targets to accelerate progress or effectively support a child with their needs
- Regularly monitor and review learning and progress.
- Support pupils with SEND to access school activities alongside their peers.
- Ensure that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to reduce barriers in order to meet the specific needs of individuals.
- Encourage, value and respond to parent/carers’ and pupils’ views in order to promote high levels of confidence and partnership.
- Ensure a high level of staff expertise to meet pupil need, through well-targeted continuing professional development.
- Ensure pupils with the highest level needs receive appropriate provision by accessing higher needs funding as required and / or requesting a statutory assessment in accordance with local authority threshold guidance and with the support of parents / carers.
- Make all reasonable adjustments for those with a disability by taking action to increase access to the curriculum, the environment and to printed information for all.
- Support pupils with medical conditions to achieve full inclusion in all school activities by ensuring consultation with health and social care professionals in order to meet the medical needs of pupils.
- Work in cooperative and productive partnership with the Local Authority and other outside agencies, to ensure there is a multi-professional approach to meeting the needs of all vulnerable learners.
- Liaise with transfer schools, preschool, nurseries and other outside agencies implementing a transition plan where necessary to support a child moving to or from the school.
At Middleton Cheney Primary Academy we are able to support children with a range of special needs and disabilities:
- Communication and Interaction - for example Autism Spectrum Conditions, Speech and Language difficulties
- Cognition and Learning for example - Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia, Moderate learning difficulties
- Social, Emotional and Mental Difficulties for example - ADHD, Attachment disorder, Mental illness or depression
- Sensory and/or physical needs for example - Vision/hearing impairment, Motor skill difficulties
- Looked after children with SEN.
The school link governor for SEND is: Mr Jonathan Canning
Please contact the SENDCo via the school office on 01295 710218 or email:
The Local Offer
All local authorities are required to publish information about services available for children and young people (aged 0 to 25) with special educational needs and disabilities.
The Local Offer:
- provides information for families with children who have a special educational need or disability
- improves choice and transparency for these families
- helps professionals to understand the range of services and provision available locally
- improves joint commissioning arrangements for services by setting out in a single place what is available locally
As the school sits on the county border, we supply links to both Northamptonshire and Oxfordshire. Please click on the links below for further information:
Oxfordshire Local Offer-(Oxfordshire services can be accessed if you live in Oxfordshire or have an Oxfordshire GP as a Northamptonshire school these pupils will still be able to access most services)
Please visit our SEND Links and Resources page for more information, downloadable resources and links to relevant websites.