School council vote for a boat!
28th Oct 2015
Did you know we have a School Council, designed to give every child in the school a voice over some of the things which happen in our school?
The School Council comprises of two children from each class (except Reception) and two members of staff - currently Mrs Grant and Mrs Locke. Every class holds a ballot in early September to vote for one boy and one girl to represent their class as councillors and any child who has not previously been a school councillor can enter themselves into the ballot. It is the role of the school councillors to present class ideas and comments to the Council, to organise voting in their classes and take the results back to the Council and to report Council decisions back to their classes.
2015/16 School Council
Meetings are held regularly and provide the children with the opportunity to voice their views about the school and to have a role in deciding how best to improve the school environment. Their contributions are valued as an important part of the school community and many of their ideas are implemented such as a fruit tuck shop, renovating the KS1 toilets and the selection of play equipment on the field.
Good news for playtimes
Two years ago the School Council asked for a boat and other heavy duty play equipment to be installed on the playground. The school listened and our amazing Parents' Association rose to the challenge of raising the large sum of money needed to see this dream fulfilled. So far £10,000 has been raised thanks to all the events organised and your support of them. School are also applying for a Lottery grant to add to this. Last week saw the moment when School Council members undertook votes in their classes to decide which play equipment to order.
The plan above shows which equipment received the most votes. Please click on the link below to open a PDF showing more information.
We are very proud of every child who has served on the School Council and look forward to watching the confidence of this year's incoming councillors grow as they take on this responsibility.