Year 6 return triumphant
24th sept 2016
48 Year 6 children and five staff have returned triumphant from another fantastic five day activity-packed residential to the PGL centre, Liddington. Their time away was more than just an opportunity for lots of fun but was a time when the children learnt more about themselves – their strengths and how to overcome some of their weaknesses. They practiced how to get along together when tired and sometimes under pressure and the importance of teamwork. It was a time to discover strengths and skills in one another which they may not have known were there and it has built strong trust relationships with the Year 6 staff ready for the important academic year ahead.
All of our pupils faced their fears and had the opportunity to achieve more than they believed they could. For some it was a fear of heights or of trusting in the equipment and staff, for others a physical challenge, for some it was coping with the first time away from home. Every single child was supported to do as much as they possibly thought they could, and then a little more on top.

Here are some of the children's thoughts...
Mathew - "I really liked the zip wire because all we were supposed to do was stand up, but I was really scared. So I sat down and I just went for it and it was really fun in the end. I really liked mountain biking because we get to ride through fields and I don’t normally."
Will - "When I went on abseiling (my first high activity), I was too scared to do it. But by the time we went on the giant swing on the second day (my third high activity), it was all just a bit of fun. On the zip wire I walked off the first time but on the second time I actually jumped off backwards." Staying in our own rooms was really fun because when it was bedtime, we could eat sweets and play Top Trumps until lights out. But the most fun bit in our rooms was when we had a disco with our torches."
Leah - "I really enjoyed the zip wire and at first when I got taken up I looked down and cried but as soon as I jumped off I loved it! I really pushed myself on the trapeze but unfortunately I didn’t make it to the top. But it was good fun. On Thursday night, we did a camp fire and I was cold although it was a fire as well. I tried to go as high as I could on the giant swing and I really, really enjoyed it. I love PGL!"
Georgie - "I was amazed at the height of the giant swing but I managed to go nearly to the top and I conquered my fear. I was so excited for the zip wire until I got to the top of the tower but I also managed to jump right off and fly."
Noah - "I thought I wouldn’t go as high as I did on the trapeze, but I touched the platform. I was happy. On the zip wire I really didn’t want to go on it but I just went for it. PGL IS AMAZING!"
Chloe - "I jumped off the zip wire backwards. I conquered the trapeze. It was amazing."
Midge - "I was only really scared on a few activities but I did them all. This is all because all the instructors were really helpful and supportive. My most favourite was the giant swing when I whooshed off from the top I felt fabulous! Singing songs on the way to activities was really fun. I wished I would never leave, PGL is awesome!"
The children who did not go to Liddington had a great (although quiet) week without their classmates. On Thursday Mrs Oliver helped them to bake and prepared a very impressive tea party for Mrs Rayner, Mrs Hale, Mrs Ding and Mrs Beck who all said how delicious it was and extremely well presented. Well done.