The Great MC Bake Off
10th Nov 2014
Huge thanks go to every single person who took part in last Friday’s Great Middleton Cheney Bake Off. Who knew there were so many talented bakers amongst our pupils and their able assistants!
We were simply staggered by the level of response and by the levels of creativity and expertise involved in the decorating. It was clear that many, many hours of hard work had been put in. With so many cakes entered (we estimate around 150!) it would have been impossible to award just 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes so instead, special rosette awards were presented to many pupils and every child who entered a cake was given a chocolate prize. Well done to every single one of you.
Thank you also to everyone who waited patiently in line in order to buy the cakes at the end of the day. Response there was equally amazing! Any cakes which were left when the crowds subsided were gifted to groups within the village, including Cheney Court.

Thanks to your time, generosity and money, the Bake Off raised an amazing £424.53 towards the village WW1 Memorial Fund.
This money will help to replace the crumbling WW1 Memorial in All Saints churchyard. Our School Council wanted to support the fund as most of the young men whose names are recorded on the memorial attended our school and some of them (and their untimely deaths) are recorded in the school log books. The first lad from the village who lost his life was Frank Williams who died from his wounds on 29 November 1914, aged 23. He had been in France for just 23 days. His descendants still live in the village.
(Personal thanks go to whoever made the cake with the marshmallow snowman on top. My family thought it was delicious!)