Mrs Brown leaves in style!
24th July 2014
The last day of term was full of tears and also laughter as Mrs Brown hung up her Teaching Assistant spurs to begin a life of quiet retirement (we'll believe that when we see it!)
Anyone who has met Mrs Brown knows she is full of life and laughter so it should have been no surprise that she was to steal the show in the last assembly of the school year, in a parting gift to staff and pupils. She had us all in stitches as she called staff to listen out for their names in the hilarious and ingenious story she had written. Mrs Brown also read us a poem she had written about the first day of school way back when she joined us in 1996 and another written for he final day. You can read the story and poems here by clicking on the links - read the story out loud for the best impact.
Staff said goodbye at a special lunch party where Mr Percival repaid Mrs Brown by serenading her with a Johnny Cash song rewritten to suit the occasion - almost rivalling Sue's story for it's wit (there's a video of it somewhere but I won't add it here!). The Foundation children had said their own goodbye earlier in the week with a special party.
It was a perfect goodbye for a remarkable colleague who has been an absolute pleasure to work with. She will never be forgotten and we wish her all the very best for her future life.