On yer bike... safely!
27th March 2014
A small group of Year 5 children have spent the last four weeks learning how to repair and renovate bikes under the tutelege of Mr Blake, who has been working with us as a student teacher in Year 2.
Week One involved the children learning how to check, fix and tighten their own brakes, chains and tyres, ensuring that their bikes are safe and roadworthy. In weeks two to four they were renovating old bikes which were apparently at the end of their useful lives. The children painted the frames, attached chains, wheels and brakes and became dab hands wielding an allen key tightening up nuts and bolts and learning how all the mechanisms go together.
In the final session, the children tried out their bikes and their cycling skills braving sleet and even snow to show their low speed control followed by their sprint skills in a friendly timed course on the playground. Congratulations to Ben, Millie and Tristan who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd with the shortest times.
The children have been extremely enthusiastic about the skills they have been learning and feel very proud of the bikes they have brought back to life. Thank you so much to Mr Blake for his wonderful idea and for organising the club and to Mrs Grant for giving up her time as assistant mechanic.