Sights and Sounds of Autumn
29th Oct 2014
Year 3 have been looking at various forms of poetry in their Literacy lessons and recently went on a short walk around the school grounds gathering ideas for writing their own ‘senses’ poems based on Autumn. The children looked, touched, listened and smelled their way around the field, pond, garden and willow areas and many were amazed at how much there was to experience in their own environment when they took the time to stop and focus.
Back in the classroom, ideas were shared and the children explored how to extend their poems using interesting adjectives and adverbs. We also talked about the things you might safely taste in the Autumn.
Here are some snippets of the children’s ideas:
“Wailing wind.”
“Crunching leaves.”
“The fresh smell of rain.”
“Swirling, swerving, swaying leaves.”
“I see crunchy mud squishing on the water.”
“I can see a fluffy feather lying on the floor.”
“Clouds are swooshing side to side.”
“Colourful leaves waving on the branches.”
“A blackbird flying carefully across the sky.”
“I can taste the gammon roasting in the kitchen.”
“Lovely blackberries sinking in my mouth.”
“The strong wood growing in the earth.”
“I can taste the warm cocoa flowing down my throat.”
“I can feel the hard bark touching my hands.”
“I can taste the hot steam coming from my mouth when I’m whispering.”
“Leaves as crunchy as a packet of crisps spin like a gymnast.”