Fun at Condover Hall
31st Oct 2018
Many of the Year 6 pupils and staff had a fabulous time away on residential at Condover Hall residential activity centre earlier this month. The children and adults stayed for four nights in the wonderful Shropshire countryside engaged in a whole range of outdoor activities.
Some of the children shared their favourite memories of their time away…
“I really liked when we had our free time together and we played lots of games, like cards”.
“We were never bored, it was all fun. I really liked the Trapeze where you had to climb up the pole and then jump into the air to grab the hanger. It was two at a time and you had to jump together and catch it with one hand.”
“I held on with one hand and tried to pull my partner up by his harness”.
“I really liked being in the room with different people from the other class. You got to know them better. When we woke up we would find out if they were moody in the mornings. One person was!”
“In raft building and kayaking we had two separate groups and had competitions together. Some people fell in and other people ‘fell in’ on purpose!”
“I really liked when people conquered their fears like heights or tunnelling.”
The raft building was great when we had to work together. At the end you could jump off if you wanted to. I had to fall backwards into the water with my arms crossed in front of me. It was really scary and your head went under water. I felt brave.”
“The water was really cold. When I got back to my room it was the best shower I’ve ever had!”
Other things the children liked were:
The science…tunnelling… movie night when we watched Marmaduke… grid of stones when you had to memorise the path… aerial trek… trapeze… laser… everyone getting new nicknames.
It's clear a great time was had by all. Well done to everyone who tried something new, pushed past a challenge and did things they found scary or difficult