Final Farewells
21st July 2016
There have been a lot of farewells this term, many more than is usual for our school family. As well as our Year 6 pupils moving to Secondary school and Mr Percival's retirement, we are also saying goodbye and good luck to Mrs Dyer, Mr Blake, Mrs Brighten and Mrs Weir.
Mrs Dyer is retiring after 15 years as a TA at MCPA. We will greatly miss her skills and experience but also her calm and patient nature. She has supported literally hundreds of children through school but it's those who have needed additional help managing their emotions and behaviours who will remember her most fondly in the years to come. Staff said goodbye yesterday with a tea party after school.

As a final goodbye to Year 4, Mr Blake and the children made a video recreating the Sunscreen Song. You can view it on YouTube here:
Mrs Brighten has come to the end of her one year contract with the school. We are very grateful to her for stepping in to take over one of the Year 3 classes for us. She is moving to a new school in St Albans.
Last, but certainly not least, Mrs Weir is moving to a school in Brackley where she can work part time. In saying goodbye yesterday, Mr Percival commented on her extreme enthusiasm for teaching, her interesting lessons, the way she has such high expectations of the children and packs in large amounts of learning to her lessons and yet always takes all of the children with her on the learning journey. Her expertise will be greatly missed.
Goodbye and good luck to all. You will be missed.