Our School – Our Community
The statement of values adopted by the Prime 7 MAT
The self
We value ourselves as unique human beings capable of spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical growth and development. On the basis of these values, we should:
- develop an understanding of our own characters, strengths and weaknesses
- develop self-respect and self-discipline
- clarify the meaning and purpose in our lives and decide, on the basis of this, how we believe that our lives should be lived
- make responsible use of our talents, rights and opportunities
- strive, throughout life, for knowledge, wisdom and understanding
- take responsibility, within our capabilities, for our own lives.
We value others for themselves, not only for what they have or what they can do for us. We value relationships as fundamental to the development and fulfilment of ourselves and others, and to the good of the community. On the basis of these values, we should:
- respect others, including children
- care for others and exercise goodwill in our dealings with them
- show others they are valued
- earn loyalty, trust and confidence
- work cooperatively with others
- respect the privacy and property of others
- resolve disputes peacefully.
We value truth, freedom, justice, human rights, the rule of law and collective effort for the common good. In particular, we value families as sources of love and support for all their members, and as the basis of a society in which people care for others. On the basis of these values, we should:
- understand and carry out our responsibilities as citizens
- refuse to support values or actions that may be harmful to individuals or communities
- support families in raising children and caring for dependants
- support the institution of marriage
- recognise that the love and commitment required for a secure and happy childhood can also be found in families of different kinds
- help people to know about the law and legal processes
- respect the rule of law and encourage others to do so
- respect religious and cultural diversity
- promote opportunities for all
- support those who cannot, by themselves, sustain a dignified life-style
- promote participation in the democratic process by all sectors of the community
- contribute to, as well as benefit fairly from, economic and cultural resources
- make truth, integrity, honesty and goodwill priorities in public and private life.
The environment
We value the environment, both natural and shaped by humanity, as the basis of life and a source of wonder and inspiration. On the basis of these values, we should:
- accept our responsibility to maintain a sustainable environment for future generations
- understand the place of human beings within nature
- understand our responsibilities for other species
- ensure that development can be justified
- preserve balance and diversity in nature wherever possible
- preserve areas of beauty and interest for future generations
- repair, wherever possible, habitats damaged by human development and other means.
(List compiled by the National Forum for Values in Education and the Community)
We believe that these values should be at the core of everything we do in school – they should be evident in the classrooms, the playground and around the school.
Children will have a daily assembly time – these may be whole school assemblies (Monday and Friday), Key stage assemblies (KS1 Tuesday and Thursday, KS2 Wednesday) and on the other days the classes assemble as year groups.
In accordance with DfES guidance circular 1/94 Religious Education and Collective Worship, assemblies are mainly of a broadly Christian character where a prayer may be used and hymns sung.
Our whole school assemblies are a time when the whole school gathers together as a community. It provides a unique opportunity to promote and celebrate our shared values.
In our assemblies we recognise the diversity of our school community. We recognise that we have a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds, beliefs and faiths. Different faiths will be valued through the celebration of the special times of the year.
Key Faith Festivals
Muslim - Eid–ul–Adha – Story of Abraham and his son, Ramadan
Jewish - Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement, Passover - beginning of the Exodus from Egypt
Hindu - Diwali - story of Rama and Sita
Sikh - Birthday of Guru Nanek – Story of Guru Nanek
Christian - Christmas - birth of Jesus, Easter - death and resurrection of Jesus
We will also celebrate special cultural days for communities such as the Saints days for the UK countries and important non-religious days for communities:
St Davids Day
St Patrick’s Day
St Georges Day
St Andrews Day
Chinese New Year
We will emphasise the point that all these days are important for members of our wider community.
In assemblies we will choose stories which illustrate the values and look for examples from history when people have demonstrated these values in their lives and actions.
We will celebrate when members of our community show that they have used their talents, for example in achieving certificates, external awards or represent the school in sporting events, etc.