Inclusion for pupils with SEND
Prime 7 Curriculum vision for pupils with SEND
Our vision
Our ethos is to provide the best possible environment for children to learn and develop, as well as to cultivate a sense of wonder, empathy and understanding of the world around them. Together, we will strive to cultivate the potential in all of our children to ensure that they are fully prepared for the next stage of their education. Our mission is to ensure that our staff and parents and carers are valued and well cared for so that we can work together to provide children with the best education, know how to stay safe and healthy and are able to take their place as responsible citizens in a modern society. We want to empower our children to succeed. Prime7 has seven core values and principles to support the delivery of our mission.
AMBITION: to have high expectations in all we do and to have ambition for continuous improvement whoever we are.
ENJOYMENT: to create schools that foster creativity and curiosity so that children thrive on enrichment and thoroughly enjoy their school experience. We want our children to be excited learners.
RESILIENCE: to provide the best opportunities for all children to develop strategies to face life’s challenges. We want to have children that can show courage and take risks in their learning.
RESPECT: to foster an environment where respect in earned and given in equal amounts. Our school communities promote kindness, friendship and trust. We want our children to grow up to be young citizens that are able to show empathy towards others.
INSPIRE: to empower children to take responsibility to strive and achieve in their learning and to be the very best that they can be. They will be role models and a source of inspiration to others.
COMMUNITY: to establish schools that are at the heart of the local communities they serve. Each school is valued for its own individuality but it also plays an important part of the Trust as a whole.
TRUST: to belong as part of a team is a core part of who we are and our relationships are based at all times on openness and honesty.
Our values and principles are drawn from each of our schools and will support Prime7 in providing an excellent educational experience for all. We will work together with all of our stakeholders to ensure that the children in all of our schools achieve their full potential.
Our Commitment
At Prime7 we are determined that our curriculum will be both inclusive and ambitious for all of the children across our schools. Prime7 defines the curriculum as the totality of a child’s experience of education from the Early Years to Year 6. All of our children with SEND have the right to have subject knowledge explicitly taught and to enjoy an exposure to cultural capital which will support success in later life. They are entilted to a high standard of teaching and learning that provides assessment and feedback regarding progress. Children with SEND will enjoy access to all extra curricular activities. Pupils long term memory is developed by the teaching of metacognitive skills and techniques to aid learning and values that promote the development of broader characteristics and personal qualities. This is achieved through the following conditions.
- All leaders promote the importance of effective curriculum provision for pupils with SEND.
- All pupils have access to the same opportunities.
- The curriculum offers a full range of opportunities for all pupils. Options are broad and balanced for as long as possible.
- Ambition for pupils with SEND is clearly articulated.
- The curriculum is well planned and organised.
- There is effective sequencing and progression for all pupils.
- The school prioritises reading and vocabulary. This will enable pupils to better access learning across the full range of subjects.
- Curriculum mapping makes it clear how key knowledge builds overtime.
- Opportunities for building cultural capital for pupils with SEND are built into the curriculum.
- Teaching staff understand the importance of improving long-term memory for example; adapting planning to consider cognitive load.
- Any Step Out intervention provision complements high quality day-to-day teaching and impact is rigorously monitored.
- Any adapted teaching involves the use of high-quality resources (including effective deployment of additional adults).
- Assessment is effective. Learning Plans prioritise targets based on need and aim to improve the skills that matter most, including pupils with SEND becoming more independent.
- EHCPs, Individual Learning Plans and other Step Out documentation informs provision for pupils with SEND.
- Effective implementation of the curriculum enables pupils with SEND to achieve their long-term outcomes and aspirations.
Monitoring the Curriculum for children with SEND
When subject leaders are monitoring the curriculum, this can be completed either independently, with School Leaders or alongside the Trust SENCO. They are asked to consider a range of questions when considering the inclusivity of the provision for pupils with SEND. The questions below are not an exhaustive list.
- How do you ensure that pupils with SEND access an ambitious curriculum alongside their peers?
- How are individual support plans used to reflect and influence provision?
- How are teachers adapting learning to meet needs?
- Where appropriate, how are additional adults being used to support learning?
- How are gaps in key skills determined and subsequently targeted?
- What additional provision is in place for pupils with SEND?
- Who facilitates any additional provision?
- How do you know if additional provision is having an impact?
- How do you support staff to ensure they understand and implement their responsibility under the SEND code of practice?
- How is the impact of additional provision measured and fed back into monitoring and evaluation cycles?