The School Day
Doors open at 8.45am when staff are on duty to welcome the children and set them learning activities. Registration for all year groups is at 8.55am.
All children enter school through the double gates onto the playground or via the back gate onto the field. Pupils are not permitted to use the front entrance to the building. Those cycling to school, in accordance with the school Cycling Policy, need to leave their bikes in the cycle park and then walk around school to their designated entrances. The car park is for staff only and is not a safe place for children to be walking through. We appreciate your support in this.
To ensure the safety of our children, school gates will be locked promptly at 9.00am. Families arriving after that time will need to enter school via the main doors and report to the office. Children arriving after 9.00am when registration is closed will be recorded as late.
All pupils have 1 hour for lunch. Children who go home to lunch should return between five and ten minutes before the start of their afternoon lessons.
The afternoon session finishes at 3.15pm for Reception and Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2) and at 3.25pm for Key Stage 2 (Year 3 – 6). Children usually leave classes within 5 minutes of these end times. Our school day equates to at least 32.5 hours per week.
The roads around the school get very congested at the start and end of the school day, so please take great care when walking or driving near the school site. Parking on the yellow lines, even for a moment, could endanger a child’s life, especially in wet weather when visibility is poor, and it is strictly forbidden. The local police co-operate with the school to enforce this. The car park is for staff use only and is not a safe place for children to be walking.
Please do not allow your children to ride scooters, bikes and skateboards in the playground at the beginning and end of the day as the grounds are too congested to do this safely. Children are also not permitted to use the play equipment in the playground or on the school field. These are for supervised use during school hours only. We appreciate your support in this matter.
If children wish to cycle to school, they need to wear a helmet. They must dismount their bike off of school property and store their bike in the bike sheds near the main entrance to school, then walk around to the main gates to enter the school.