Sporting Success
6th July 2016
What a brilliant Sports Day we enjoyed today with the Foundation and KS1 children. The sun shone, as did the children and there were smiling faces everywhere. All of the children really excelled themselves - challenging themselves to run as fast as they could and jump as high as they could, skip as well as they could, throw as far as they could. It really wasn't about what other people can do today, it was about what the individual child could do. for the Foundation children it was their first ever Sports Day on such a large scale and they all coped remarkably well with the heat and effort of the day.
Many thanks go to Mrs Clifton who has organised the Sports Days for many, many years. This year she handed over the reins to Miss Hammond who organised all of the groups and activities for the first time. She did rather well so thank you to her and to all the staff who were group leaders. KS1 Sports Day could not run without the help of the Year 6 Sports Leaders who manned all of the bases, giving up some of their lunchtimes for training prior to the event. They were very attentive and professional - thank you guys!