Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
For 2024/25 Autumn term we have two classes in Year 5 taught by Mr Smith, Mr Sear and Mrs Stubbs supported by Mrs Taylor, Miss Nutt, Mrs Gibson, Mr Percival and Mr Aspinall.
2024/24 Spring and Summer term we have two classes in Year 5 taught by Mr Smith, Mrs Potts supported by Mrs Taylor, Mrs Gibson, Miss Nutt, Mr Percival and Mr Aspinall.
Doors to the classes open from 8.45am when staff are ready to welcome and settle the children into their learning activities. Registration is at 8.55am. Lunch is from 12.00 - 1.00pm. Children who go home to lunch should return between five and ten minutes before the start of their afternoon lessons at 1pm. The afternoon session finishes at 3.25pm.
Please be prepared for PE
Indoor PE – Black shorts and a green t-shirt.
Outdoor PE – Green t-shirt, black shorts, spare socks, trainers (suitable for wet and muddy conditions), waterproof coat and a black tracksuit.
Please make sure all children bring coats to school daily, we will be going out in all weathers.
For health and safety reasons children will need to remove or cover earrings. Children with long hair will be expected to wear it up during their PE sessions. We advise that the children also bring a plastic bag to put any muddy kit in at the end of a lesson.