A very busy Christmas week
20th Dec 2013
We’ve had a fantastic Christmas week here at MCPA with lots of exciting activities going on across the school. Some you will have already heard about or seen such as the wonderful Nativity performance and the carol singing in the playground. Others your children may have mentioned or brought home evidence of but often when we ask ‘what have you done today’ they tell us little or nothing. So here are some of the highlights.
Year 2 learned the entire poem, 'T’was the Night Before Christmas' and recited it by heart to a mesmerised group of parents before repeating the feat in front of the rest of the school during Assembly time. We were amazed by their confidence and ability to remember so many words and actions. They’ve also been having fun in Numeracy, following instructions and developing their measuring skills to make playdough and form them into wonderful snowmen models.
Christmas dinner saw 360 children and staff enjoying their turkey whilst singing along to Christmas carols. Staff and Year 6 children served the younger children and you’ll be pleased to hear that everyone was polite and helpful, allowing us all to share a lovely festive treat together. Thursday saw two performances of the play, The Countback Kid and the Ghost of Christmas Past which was lots of fun and fully interactive as well as being educational with lots of quick fire Numeracy questions to answer. Many classes have also had year group parties or shared snacks whilst watching Christmas themed DVDs.
Today is Friday, the last and busiest day. This morning we had a wonderful Assembly with Christmas songs and poems and lots of performances. Foundation children and Y2 sang some songs from their Nativity, Y2 also recited and performed ‘T’was The Night Before Christmas’ from memory, the choir sang for us and some Y1 children played their jingling bells along to the tune of – Jingle Bells – what else! As I write, children around me are sharing toys they have brought in, playing happily together.