Farewell Year 6
Congratulations to all our Year 6 pupils for a fantastic leavers service on Wednesday evening. The children had written, performed and filmed their own scenes/sketches about their memories of their time at school. The film was premiered at the service for parents, albeit with a few technical hitches, and was shown to the rest of the school on the last day. A DVD with all of the films and their Liddington pictures has now been given to the Year 6 children.
The end of Year 6 is also a time to celebrate those who have made outstanding contributions to school in different subjects. Very many congratulations to this year's winners who are: Emily Campion and Alfie Aspinall (Outstanding Contribution to School Life), Rosie Brand (Sport), Cameron Marshall (Maths), Eve Young (Literacy), Jake O’Donnell (Science), and William Nunn (ICT).
School tradition says that the outgoing Year 6 leave us with memories of them in the form of a large art installation in the school foyer. This year, the children produced some incredible 'media thief' animal collages which look stunning in the entrance. Please do pop in to have a look next term. We would like to say a huge thank you to the children, teachers and teaching assistants for all of their hard work. Special thanks go to Mrs Johnson who is the creative brains behind the work. We are incredibly fortunate to have such a talented artist working with our children. Thanks also to B&Q (Banbury), Banbury Litho and to parents for supplying the materials.
Finally, the children in Year 6 would like to say a massive thank you to the Parents’ Association for their trip to the bowling alley on Thursday. Great fun was had by all. Good bye and good luck Year 6. Aspire to the greatness you are all capable of.