Physical Social and Health Education (PSHE)
We try to develop the self-esteem of every child and to give them the skills to make decisions and take on real responsibilities. We encourage group activities to foster good relationships with friends and peers, and children take part in various projects to encourage awareness of the needs of the community and sensitivity to the environment. These include entertaining the elderly, litter collecting, and raising money for charity.
Children are taught about safety in the home, on the roads, in water and in other situations they may meet. They learn about the importance of exercise, cleanliness, rest and a healthy diet, and as they grow older, they have opportunities to develop their views on other issues and to learn how to resist peer pressure.
The programme for sex education includes learning the correct names for the reproductive organs, how human beings are conceived and develop from babies to adults, and the importance of responsibility in all human relationships. We try to answer questions honestly but at a level appropriate to the child’s understanding and development.
In the last two years of Key Stage 2 children are taught in more detail about the changes in their bodies at puberty, about human reproduction and the importance of the family. Books and videos are used as part of this work, and parents are always invited to see the materials for themselves.
Parents have the right to withdraw children from those parts of the sex education programme that are not part of the Science curriculum, though it is our experience that parents welcome the work that is done in school. Should you not wish your child to take part in these lessons, please come and discuss your concerns with the Headteacher.